Verdivurdering Nordic Quartz

Last updated: 29.06.2016

KVINNHERAD QUARTZ Low Base case  - 35% Medium low Base case  - 15% Base case Base case  + 15% Medium high Base case  + 35% High Unit
Resource estimate Quartz (~ 99.998 % SiO2) 1,50 1,95 2,25 2,55 3,0 3,45 3,75 4,05 4,50 mill. tonnes
Yearly production (~ 99.998 % SiO2) 3750 4125 4375 4625 5000 5375 5625 5875 6250 tonnes
Recovery grade 19 % 21 % 22 % 23 % 25 % 27 % 28 % 29 % 31 %  
Estimated mine life 75 97,5 112,5 127,5 150 172,5 187,5 202,5 225 years
Market value ~ 99.998 % SiO2 7500 9750 11250 12750 15000 17250 18750 20250 22500 USD/ton
OPEX 1650 2145 2475 2805 3300 3795 4125 4455 4950 USD/ton
Exchange rate USD/NOK 6,44 7,08 7,51 7,94 8,58 9,22 9,65 10,08 10,73  
Yearly profit 141 222 288 365 502 667 794 936 1176 MNOK
Total profit 11 22 32 47 75 115 149 189 265 MRD NOK
Base investment 185 241 278 315 370 426 463 500 555 MNOK
Payback cost 135 % 149 % 158 % 167 % 180 % 194 % 203 % 212 % 225 %  
Total investment cost 250 357 437 524 666 823 937 1056 1249 MNOK
NPV 10,3 21,3 32,0 46,0 74,6 114,2 148,0 188,4 263,4 MRD NOK
Number of shares 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 517,2 shares
Share value 20 41 62 89 144 221 286 364 509 NOK/share
Share value P/E = 20 5,5 8,6 11,1 14,1 19,4 25,8 30,7 36,2 45,5 NOK/share
Share value P/E = 15 4,1 6,4 8,4 10,6 14,6 19,3 23,0 27,1 34,1 NOK/share
Share value P/E = 10 2,7 4,3 5,6 7,1 9,7 12,9 15,4 18,1 22,7 NOK/share


Sist oppdatert: 20.09.2015

"Demand for HPQ is growing with the high tech industry and the price for premium HPQ can vary between US$ 8,000 to US$ 25,000 or more per ton depending on the specifications needed for the final application."

Sist oppdatert: 20.09.2015

  Lav Snitt Høy Enhet
Forekomst Quartz (~ 99.998 % SiO2) 2 3 4 mill tonn
Produksjonstid 50 60 70 år
Årlig quartz-produksjon(~ 99.998 % SiO2) 4000 5000 6000 tonn
Salgsverdi ~ 99.998 % SiO2) 8000 16500 25000 USD/tonn
Break even 3300 3300 3300 USD/tonn
Profitt pr tonn ~ 99.998 % SiO2 4700 13200 21700 USD/tonn
29.12.2014: 1 USD = 7,4 NOK 6,72 7,47 8,22 NOK/USD
Profitt pr tonn ~ 99.998 % SiO2 31598 98604 178309 NOK/tonn
Årlig profitt 126 493 1070 mill. kr
Total profitt 6,3 29,6 74,9 mrd. kr
Minus investeringskostnader 0,34 0,37 0,41 mrd. kr
Total profitt etter investeringer 6,0 29,2 74,5 mrd. kr
Antall aksjer pr. 29.12.2014 308,5 308,5 308,5 mill. aksjer
Bidrag aksjeverdi 19,4 94,7 241,4 kr/aksje

Scoping Study

"Analysis show the quartz from the Kvinnherad deposit is of very high purity. Advanced processing tests show that the impurity level can be reduced by physical and chemical processing to a level of the best products in the market, comparable with the Iota 4 and Iota 6 high-purity quartz (“HPQ”) products."

"Nordic Mining has carried out comprehensive analysis and an advanced processing test program at Dorfner Anzaplan’s laboratory in Germany. A suitable processing route for the quartz has been developed. To confirm that high quality products could be obtained from a larger part of the deposit three samples of 250 to 500 kg, in addition to an existing 1,000 kg sample, have been blasted from different locations across the vein. Homogeneity of the quartz has been confirmed by processing of all the samples to high quality products both in terms of impurity levels and glass qualities."

"The Scoping study estimated a preliminary size of the deposit of 3.45 million tonnes of quartz down to 150 meters depth. The estimate was based on geological mapping and geophysical results and is not in accordance with the JORC Code. No drilling of the deposit has been done so far. Drilling will be a necessary next step to confirm deposit size and quality. The Scoping Study indicated an initial mine life of more than 40 years based on mining down to about 100 meters depth and production of 5,000 tonnes of high purity quartz concentrate per year. The Scoping Study estimated a preliminary after tax NPV of USD 60 million using 8% WACC based on a 30 years project period."