

Finnish research opens up new possibilities for Li-ion batteries

Fra goodnewsfinland.com 17. februar 2016   Finnish research opens up new possibilities for Li-ion batteries - Scientists at the University of Eastern Finland have found a solution to a problem concerning the low electric conductivity of new materials used in Li-ion...

Grenseverdier for tungmetaller i jordforbedringsmaterialer vs. Engebø-eklogitt

Grenseverdier for tungmetaller i kalk: EU planlegger å utvide og endre gjødselregelverket. I dag gjelder det bare enkelte typer mineralgjødsel og kalk. Målet er at det på sikt skal omfatte alle gjødsel og jordforbedringsprodukter. Som et ledd i denne prosessen har det nå kommet forslag om...

A Brief Past, Present, and Future with Batteries and Lithium Ion Technology

"The future of lithium-ion batteries looks very bright and prosperous with large grid-scale battery storage, electric vehicle charging stations, and advancements in renewable energy efficiencies." "Large-scale grid storage is becoming more and more of a reality everyday as new battery technologies...

Cinovec Lithium Project

The Cinovec lithium-tin-tungsten project in the Czech Republic is 100% owned by European Metals Holdings Limited. "Based on inputs to the Company's positive Scoping Study (refer to ASX announcement 1 May 2015), the projected cost of production for lithium carbonate has been quoted as less than...

Påvirket bunnareal og sjøvannsvolum fra sjødeponi og oppdrettslokasjon

Oppdrettslokasjon: Påvirkning på bunnfauna er påvist 1800 meter fra et oppdrettsanlegg, dvs. på bunnen. Forutsatt at strømretningen skifter retning med jevne mellorom, gir dette et påvirket sjøbunnareal på 10,2 km2.    Strømningshastigheten er i de øvre vannlagene i snitt 8,4...

Flevopolder - the largest artificial island reclaimed on water in the world

"The Flevopolder is a polder, or region of reclaimed land, in Flevoland, Netherlands. The eastern part was drained in 1955 and the southern part in 1968." "Unlike other major polders such as Noordoostpolder and the Wieringermeer, the Flevopolder is completely surrounded by bordering lakes, the...

Bauxite - Alumina - Aluminium

"Aluminium oxide (alumina) is extracted from bauxite in a refinery. Alumina is then used to produce primary aluminium." "4-7 metric tons of bauxite = 2 metric tons of alumina = 1 metric ton of aluminium."   "While much of the mining sector’s focus has been on the iron ore market, bauxite has...

Natural flocculation of mineral particles in seawater

"Processes of natural flocculation of mineral particles in association with organic substances in seawater enhance particle removal from the water masses to the sea bed. Due to the stability of the flocs where mineral particles stick to organic slime, resuspension of the sediments is less...

Kvartsforekomsten på Nesodden

"Final production over 30 years will be 150.000 tons of high purity quartz end products. Initial capital expenditures total to USD 49,7 million (base case). Given a total revenue of USD 1005 million (base case) over 30 years a NPV of USD 43 million and IRR of 20,5% has been calculated,...